While gambling its not that hard to make profits but at the same time its easy to lose all profits too very fast.
Why its Important to Safeguard Your Gambling Profits?
It takes a lot more time to make profits and let it add up gradually while it takes only a few moments to lose it all. Safeguarding your gambling profits is very important if you are planning to make gambling worth wile or profitable rather than something which keeps draining your hard earned money.
How to Safeguard Your Gambling Profits?
To properly safeguard your gambling profits you need a good bankroll management system as without that its impossible to keep up with your gambling losses. To avoid chasing losses, safeguarding profits is must.
Here are some of the simple steps you can do to safeguard your gambling profits:
1) Bank Your Profits Daily:
At the end of the day always bank or withdraw your profits. Most of the crypto gambling sites allow you have to make a separate bank account where you can bank your profits even very small amounts too.
In crypto gambling sites like stake, primedice, casinoroyale you do not even need to create a separate account too. You can bank all your profits directly in the same account using the vault/bank feature and withdrawing it whenever you want to use it.
Its tempting to keep on compounding but its not always a good choice as on a bad day you will most likely end up losing all your profits and even more.
2) Focus First on Withdrawing Deposit, Compound Later:
Whatever you put in try to at least make portion of it as profit first. Once you meet the target goal withdraw all your deposit or slightly more than what you deposited. After doing this you are playing with the house money. Now you can compound freely with no risk.
3) Always have backup balance:
No matter how much safely you play anything can happen while gambling. So always have at least half of whatever you deposit as a back up. It will be relatively a lot easier to recover with half of whatever amount you lost than with less than that.
Hope this helps you in better safeguarding your profits. Emotional Discipline and Consistency is very important if you want to make some profits from gambling.
You can get lucky once a while and make a good profit but if you do not safeguard whatever profit you made, you will be back to square one every time as getting lucky most of the time is impossible.
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How to Safeguard Your Gambling Profits?
Reviewed by Amar Singh
December 14, 2018

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